Autodesk sketchbook drawing tutorial
Autodesk sketchbook drawing tutorial

autodesk sketchbook drawing tutorial

As content is added to a layer, the Layer Editor Preview updates, displaying the content and making it easier to identify a layer. Layers can be created, duplicated, merged, turned on and off, reordered, blended, and deleted using the Layer Editor. With Sketchbook, you can group layers and group groups with up to 9 levels. If you find yourself using lots of layers, the Layer Editor can become cluttered fast. You can choose to merge all layers afterwards, or keep them separated for future edits. If you’re happy with a certain aspect of your art, start a new layer and continue fresh. They can be used as a ‘preservation’ tool. This makes it easy to change elements or add them later. Pencils, ink, and color layers, separated strategically from one another, as well as from the background plate. In the case of comic book artists, a panel might use four basic layers. Well, with layers, you are still building up your image however, when you need to erase something or want to change something that's on one layer, the rest of your image isn’t in jeopardy. Traditionally, you have a piece of paper and you draw, building up your image. You might be asking why anyone would draw like this. When each of these are combined, you create the overall image. If you were drawing a scene of someone sitting at a beach, you could break down the scene into layers or even layer groups. Think of layers as transparent sheets of plastic that get combined, can be ordered and reordered, to create a picture. Do you want to import an image? The image will be loaded onto its own layer. They are used a lot for complex drawing and projects. They help you organize the content that make up your image.

Autodesk sketchbook drawing tutorial